27 September 2011

I Suck at Blogging...

... this is the sad realization I came to today. However, it all ends now. While I am lacking photographic evidence of anything I have baked recently, I promise that I have been baking, at least a little. And by a little I mean about once a month. I am setting a goal of one post per week for the rest of the year and to get the ball rolling I am reaching out to the four people who actually read my blog for help. Since I am not feeling particularly creative, I thought it would be fun to ask you awesome people what I should bake next. Cookies are preferable, but I am open to various suggestions (with only a few readers I can't be too picky). In case you're wondering what the heck I've been doing for the past few months that didn't involve blogging, I'll fill you in: I spent the entire summer taking classes and then spent a couple of weeks on vacation. Since I've been back in Anchorage, my boyfriend and I have developed an addiction to frozen yogurt and have been going to this place almost every day. If you're in Anchorage, or any other place with a self-serve frozen yogurt business, I highly recommend it! In a nutshell, frozen yogurt has satisfied my sweet tooth for some time now and I haven't been compelled to bake as much. I have also come to the realization that I do significantly less baking during the summer because it is warm outside and I'm constantly doing something. In the wintertime I am constantly trying to avoid going outside because it is miserable and cold and dark (the fact that I don't enjoy skiing as much as running may also have something to do with it).  However, temperatures have begun to drop below freezing at night which inevitably means more baking! So, there you have it. Suggest away!

Oh and P.S. - Thanks to Amanda for letting me know that you missed my posts. It's good to know that somebody out there enjoys and misses Beluga Bakery!

P.P.S. - this post looked naked without a photo, so here is a lovely picture of a beluga whale for you to enjoy: